7 Product Demo Tips for Sales Engineers

Published on: January 29th, 2021

Demo presentations are the window of opportunity to showcase the solutions your product offers for solving business problems. Let’s look into some tips to pull off a great demo.


1. Structure your demo

Preparing and structuring demos are skills one can pick up on their journey of becoming a successful Sales Engineer. Most demos are an overview of the product and the business problems it solves. So demonstrating the features solving your customer’s problems (pain points) will hook their attention.

2. Value over features

A product demo is not the right time to bombard prospects with features or functionalities. When demoing a feature, always begin with the value it adds to the prospects. They should understand the meaning and know the purpose of it.

3. Build up the momentum

Start with the most prominent feature of your product and make sure it stays relevant to them. Based upon their pain points, show them how your product helps them to achieve targets faster. Subsequently, build rapport with the prospects to identify the key challenges they are facing now.

4. Mind the time

The main purpose of a demo is to educate the prospects about your product in a short time. Managing time and sticking with the agenda is more important to keep your demos effective. There’s no fixed or recommended time for a demo.

5. Deal with the errors

While presenting how your product works, errors do slip through the cracks. So, in case of an unexpected problem, do not lose your cool or try to ignore an error message or pop-up because it leads to loss of trust. Carry on with the conversation and try to figure out a solution or lend help from the support team.

6. Best practices

Apart from the technical aspects, SE needs to invest time in making a strong first impact. A product demo, like any other conversation, should start nicely with common courtesy. And keep building the rapport but don’t be too quick on jumping into details. Some points to remember are,

  • Make yourself familiar
  • Customize your demo
  • Talk their language
  • Focus on value-based features
  • Don’t interrupt a prospect’s question

7. End and establish next steps

At the end of the demo, recap the highlights and reiterate how your product can solve the prospect’s problems. A good demo will bring you closer to seal the deal, so make sure you know the next step. And provide a strong call to action to secure the next conversation.

A great product should be accompanied by a successful demo to win deals. To learn more about demos, refer to our previous article.

Image Credit: Photo by Headway on Unsplash

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