Tag: Productivity

Time and task management

Optimizing Time and Task with POC management platform

Time and task management are wired to everything we do in our professional lives. Sales engineers are skilled in utilizing advanced tools that maximize their efficiency, productivity, and performance to…

October 14th, 2021
Person working on laptop and ipad

Top Productivity Apps for Sales Engineers: Hidden Gems Edition

A productivity tool is any software that helps professionals get more work done in less time. Over time, we have developed strong preferences over a few productivity tools as they…

January 27th, 2021

15 questions for sales teams before offering a POC

Opportunity of engaging in a Proof of Concepts (POC) with customers is tempting. POCs often mean that deals are progressing in the sales pipeline. However, it can backfire as a…

Thanksgiving 2019: Thank you notes

This is a story of Pudding — a startup that grew out of ambition to solve real challenges in B2B technical evaluation and sales process. Idea — The beginning: If you are…

November 26th, 2020