December 2021

Prism of Presales

The presales process is the most critical part of selling an enterprise product. The presales prism separates the various steps and demonstrates why certain activities are necessary during each step. The prism shows where each stage on the diagram fits into the bigger picture.  Customer discovery Product demo  POC (POV) proposal POC discovery POC setup..

December 28th, 2021

5 strategies to master your demo discovery meeting

SEs usually puts in a lot of effort in rehearsing the demo, edit and re-edit until satisfied. But when it comes to discovery calls/meetings, many plan to speak off the…

December 17th, 2021

PreSalesTalks: Ending the Year Strongly

This blog is all about “Start strong, stay strong and finish strong”. It’s the holiday season, and a time of introspection as the calendar ends and we move to the…

December 11th, 2021

How to win against competitors in enterprise sales deal

Bob Hooey, an author and global speaker once said “If You Are Not Taking Care Of Your Customer, Your Competitor Will.” Nowadays, almost every deal goes through a competitive bake-off…

December 7th, 2021