How Sales Engineers can structure their Pre Sales “demo”

Published on: February 10th, 2022

It’s important to remember that a demo is not simply demonstrating software. Its main purpose is to help the prospect understand how they could use the software to solve their specific business problem. The demo should always be designed around the goal of telling a story on how the prospect’s problem can be solved in the easiest and the most cost effective way possible.

This blog provides a framework for defining and delivering a successful demo, from how the demo should be presented to what the prospect and the team can expect during the session.

Structuring the pre sales demo 

Define the best demos for a sales process

Demonstrate your product in a compelling way by telling the story of how your product solves problems for customers and convince prospects to take action and buy from you. It’s not enough to simply list features and benefits. Your marketing strategy needs to show how your product will make the prospect’s life better.

A good story is compelling, memorable, and makes people want to know more. When you’re telling a story, your prospect is the main character. The goal of the story is to show how your product will help them achieve their goals and overcome their challenges.

Work with your presales team to identify which demo to use and when.

You may want to start with a demo that shows off the most features, but it’s also important to show how your product solves the customer’s problem. For example, if you are selling a CRM solution, you may want to start with a demo that shows how the CRM helps you track leads and close deals.

However, it’s also important to show your product in action, so it’s best to have a few demos that show off different features. Don’t just tell the customer what your product does, show them how it works. If you can, have the customer use your product to complete a task. This will help them understand how your product works and why it’s better than the competition.

Hone in on the details of each demo, including the content and technical specifications.

Explore how each content and technical information might be used in a client environment. Why do you need to understand these details? To get a sense of what’s possible with your product. The more you know about the possibilities, the better you can make decisions about how to proceed with your project.

Create a simple format for your team to follow when presenting a demo.

The format should include a short introduction about the project and what the team is going to demo. A short description of the problem that is being solved, how it will be solved, and why it is important. Who is on the team and their qualification. Points on how to show off the product, how it works, and why it is important. Highlight any interesting technical aspects of your product.

Other points include

  • Test and refine the content of your demos based on the feedback you receive from your prospecting efforts
  • Track the number of demos you do each month and make sure that your sales team is following up on all of them
  • Measure the impact of your demos by looking at the average time it takes to close a deal, or by looking at the average revenue per deal.

Successful pre sales demos are a critical component of the sales process. To ensure you’re providing the best customer service possible, it’s important to structure your presales demo team. For example, you should always have a demo team on hand who can do a demo if needed.

The demo team is responsible for setting up pre sales demos, but they also need to be prepared to answer any questions or address concerns that arise. In order to avoid common mistakes and deliver a positive experience, the demo team needs to be well-prepared before each client visit.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

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